Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Busy week end. I did the Ham Fair and got half way through my Open Studio event. Another week end to go for that and then I have Landmark's Midsummer Art Show.
This painting I am especially pleased with of late.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011


From today I am a member of the newly created art group KAOS. It is uniting professional artists in Kingston area. They have some exciting plans for the future. We met in the Boaters put in Canbury Gardens tonight. I chated to some of the people attending. They were so nice and friendly. I'm really looking forward to exhibiting with them.

Now I am printing my greeting cards for the forthcoming Ham Fair and Richmond Art House Open Studio event.

Friday, 3 June 2011

Egyptian Goose

Have just completed this and it went straight away at the Ham Art Group exhibition. It was a great show. Our group is going from strength to strength.